Hirakata Doppo Farm

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Hirakata Doppo Farm
Representative Name Ooshima Teppei
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location hirakata
Website https://www.doppo-farm.com/
Phone Number For inquiries, please send in through the Contact Form on our website
Message and Commitment from the Producer Inspired by the diverse nature of the Hotani Mountains, we practice organic farming based on the scientific and logical principles of the BLOF theory. Our main focus is on cultivating Italian tomatoes using the "Sauvage" method. "Sauvage" means "wild", and it involves spacing the seedlings further apart than usual and intentionally not selecting branches, allowing the plants to maintain strong vitality. By mimicking natural conditions, the tomatoes grow healthily, and the foliage provides shade to endure hot summers. With deep roots and abundant nutrients absorbed, the flavor of these tomatoes is exceptional.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Onions with stems, Green beans, turnips etc..
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database