Shimono Farm Co., Ltd.

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Shimono Farm Co., Ltd.
Representative Name Shimono Toshinori
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location sakai
Phone Number 072-278-3900 *Please refrain from sales and soliciting other than for procurement purposes. (Osaka Prefecture)
Contact Person Shimono Toshinori
Message and Commitment from the Producer Employing detailed measures to reduce pesticide usage, we utilize insect-proof nets and weed control sheets. Our fertilizers and organic matter come from natural sources, and water is sourced from a depth of 150 meters underground, showcasing our commitment to meticulous cultivation practices. With a focus on passing down agriculture to the next generation, we actively pursue mechanization and automation. Despite evolving times, our ongoing efforts ensure the delivery of safe, secure, and delicious komatsuna mustard spinach to consumers.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Komatsuna Mustard Spinach
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database