Nishisaka Farm

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Nishisaka Farm
Representative Name Nishisaka Kazumasa
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location kaizuka
Contact Person Nishisaka Kazumasa
Notes Regarding Contact Information For inquiries, please visit our website
Message and Commitment from the Producer After the greenhouse collapse during Typhoon 21 in 2018, Nishisaka Farm seized the opportunity to redefine its agricultural approach. Instead of pursuing generic shungiku crown daisy, they aspire to cultivate a product that people specifically desire, saying, "I want shungiku from Nishisaka Farm." Daily efforts are dedicated to this goal, prioritizing meticulous soil preparation to enhance the inherent flavor of the vegetables. Remarkably, even customers who were not fond of shungiku have expressed newfound enjoyment when it comes from Nishisaka Farm.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Shungiku crown daisy, Spinach (summer time only)
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database