ANNO Fresh Farm

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name ANNO Fresh Farm
Representative Name Anno Shouji
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location sakai
Phone Number 090-8375-6728 *Please refrain from sales and soliciting other than for procurement purposes. (Osaka Prefecture)
Contact Person Anno Shouji
Message and Commitment from the Producer We grow delicate vegetables like mizuna mustard green and komatsuna spinach all year round. By locating our farms close to consumption areas, we guarantee delivery in optimal freshness. Harvesting takes place from early morning to late morning, after which the produce undergoes immediate pre-cooling and shipment preparation in refrigerated conditions, ensuring thorough freshness maintenance. Moreover, maintaining disease-resistant crops requires meticulous soil management. At our farm, we prioritize proper soil care by utilizing composted cow dung sourced from the Sakai Dairy Farm Village (fermented cow dung). This practice not only helps prevent diseases and pests but also contributes to regional resource circulation.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Mizuna mustard green, Komatsuna spinach, Delicate vegetables (vary by season)
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database