Shibao Farm

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Shibao Farm
Representative Name Takeshi Shibao
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location sakai
Phone Number 080-4703-9028 *Please refrain from sales and soliciting other than for procurement purposes. (Osaka Prefecture)
Contact Person Kazuki Shibao
Message and Commitment from the Producer At our farm, we view tomato cultivation as an art form. Like painters envisioning their masterpiece, we envision the perfect tomatoes and work tirelessly to bring that vision to life. We meticulously adjust our cultivation methods, including fertilization and watering schedules, based on factors such as plant vigor and leaf color to achieve the desired outcome. While some growers prioritize quantity or quality, we prioritize taste above all else. We invite you to taste the rich and distinct flavors that make our tomatoes stand out. In addition to growing vegetables, we are passionate about food education and regularly host agricultural experiences and lectures for local elementary school students as part of their extracurricular activities.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Green onions, Mini tomatoes, Medium tomatoes, Shungiku crown daisy, Daikon radishes, Potatoes, Onions, Spinach, Rice
Same-day Delivery Available
Notes regarding same-day delivery Available to purchase on the same day at farm stands

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database