Imano farm

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Imano farm
Representative Name Hiromitsu Imano
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location sakai
E-mail Address * When making inquiries via email, please replace "[a]" with "@" and send your message to the following address:
Contact Person Hiromitsu Imano
Message and Commitment from the Producer At our family farm, spanning four generations, we're dedicated to cultivating safe and fresh seasonal vegetables. Our focus lies in meticulous soil preparation, employing natural materials such as our exclusive organic fertilizer, teeming with amino acids, compost, and microbial supplements. Furthermore, we strictly limit our use of chemical pesticides during cultivation, utilizing less than one-fourth of the standard set by Osaka Prefecture. Starting from autumn 2025, we aim to completely phase out their use. Vegetables nurtured with the inherent vitality of plants not only provide peace of mind but also boast robust flavors. For example, our approach to tomatoes—we don't compromise water content to enhance sweetness. Instead, we ensure tomatoes receive the essential water and nutrients they require, resulting in a rich flavor profile that encompasses not only sweetness but also acidity and depth. Our "Nomu Tomato (drinkable tomato=tomato juice)" contains no additives, allowing you to savor the pure taste of our farm's tomatoes.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Drinkable tomatoes (tomato juice), Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Shungiku crown daisy, Okra, Komatsuna spinach, Mizuna mustard green
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database