Social Welfare Corporation Himawarien

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Social Welfare Corporation Himawarien
Representative Name Chairperson Shinkai Kayoko
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location habikino
Phone Number Head office : 072-957-4500, Furuiti Himawarien : 072-958-7070 *Please refrain from sales and soliciting other than for procurement purposes. (Osaka Prefecture)
FAX Head office : 072-931-9004, Furuiti Himawarien : 072-958-7080
E-mail Address * When making inquiries via email, please replace "[a]" with "@" and send your message to the following address:
Contact Person Niihara, Nakanishi, Shinkai
Notes Regarding Contact Information Business hours are 8:30 AM - 5:30PM on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Message and Commitment from the Producer The Himawarien, a social welfare corporation that supports individuals with disabilities in employment and other areas, started cultivating and processing garlic as part of its activities around 2018. Planting takes place from September to October, with harvesting in June. To achieve the aging process of black garlic, moisture is the enemy, so the harvested garlic is immediately peeled and left out in the sun. No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used. While it can be challenging to provide the missing nutrients in the soil with compost, we put in the effort and time to nurture our crops.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Aged Black Garlic, Jerusalem Artichoke
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database