Heartland Co., Ltd.

Farm Name/Company Name/Organization Name Heartland Co., Ltd.
Representative Name Mizutani Toru
Production Location, Manufacturing Location, Store Location sennan
Phone Number 072-480-0567 *Please refrain from sales and soliciting other than for procurement purposes. (Osaka Prefecture)
FAX 072-480-0321
Contact Person Yamauchi Takafumi
Notes Regarding Contact Information Business Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Message and Commitment from the Producer Heartland Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Kokuyo Group, aims to provide employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. As Japan's inaugural agricultural production company under the special subsidiary category, its primary focus is on establishing a stable income for its employees. To ensure this stability, the company meticulously devises a daily cultivation plan based on historical data, resulting in consistent harvests. Stringent hygiene and quality control measures are paramount, including daily pH measurements of liquid fertilizer tanks and regular handwashing and sterilization of tanks and cultivation beds. Through these practices, Heartland Co., Ltd. consistently delivers customer-friendly and safe salad spinach.
Products Produced/Manufactured (including products not listed) Salad spinach, Salad komatsuna spinach, Coriander
Same-day Delivery Not available

*Please refrain from sales and solicitation for purposes other than product procurement 【Osaka Prefecture】

Products Offered by this Producer
*Products listed in this database