
Product Name Eco-Lemon
Category fruits
Product Description In contrast to conventional farming, Eco-Lemons from Shikimori Farm employ less than half the usual amount of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. While most lemons in Japan are imported from abroad, only a few local farms manage to drastically reduce pesticide usage like ours. Situated in the cool and temperate Izumi city, our farm benefits from significant temperature fluctuations, yielding lemons with a delicate sweetness and robust flavor. Renowned chefs favor these lemons for their gentle acidity, bold taste, and enticing aroma.


Annual Production/Manufacturing Quantity 600kg
Available Period
Beginning of Season Early October
End of Season Early July

Procurement Information

Order Lead Time 2-3days
Delivery Method Delivery service
Delivery Area Nationwide
Remarks Regarding Cases Negotiable
Storage Temperature Zone Refrigerated
Certification Osaka Eco Agricultural Products