Delaware Grape

Product Name Delaware Grape
Category fruits
Product Description Inui No Budou Garden's Delaware grapes are celebrated for their harmonious blend of sweetness and acidity. As grapes mature, their sugar levels rise while acidity diminishes. By meticulously pinpointing the perfect moment for harvest, we capture the authentic flavor profile of Delaware grapes. Moreover, we utilize unique methods like "cluster thinning," a rarity in Osaka, to guarantee each grape receives optimal nutrition. We also carefully manage secondary shoots to maximize sunlight exposure. Every aspect of cultivation is executed with precision. To maintain our commitment to excellence, we personally conduct taste tests on the grapes, ensuring only the finest-quality products are shipped out.


Available Period
Beginning of Season Late June
End of Season Early August

Procurement Information

Order Lead Time Approximately 3 days to 1 week (depending on quantity)
Delivery Method Delivery service
Delivery Area Nationwide
Remarks Regarding Cases Negotiable
Storage Temperature Zone Refrigerated
Certification Osaka Eco Agricultural Products